• Ramblings

    Merry Christmas!

    While I know that this year looks a lot different than most, we wish you all the merriest of Christmases! May your cocoa be hot, your pajamas be cozy, and all of your presents be of the bookish persuasion.

  • Ramblings

    On book reading and schedules.

    To say that I’ve had a lot of time to ponder why this year has been so off, is an understatement. In fact, that’s what I do with most of my free time. Trying to figure out how I went from a ravenous reader to someone who couldn’t focus on a book for longer than 20 minutes at a time has become my full time job. I kept trying to remind myself that I have been reading 150+ books for years now. That eventually everyone moves away from certain things in favor of other things. Still I felt uncomfortable because…

  • Ramblings

    A Pause For Some Reflection

    I am certain that everyone has found most of the year so far to be tough. We were pulled away from our jobs, our friends, our traditions, and forced to cope with it all. Parents became full-time teachers and playmates. People took to baking, cooking, knitting, and gardening to deal with the stress. You know what though? We are still here! If 2020 has taught me anything, it is that we are all stronger than we think we are. So I thought today was an excellent day to take a step back, and reflect on the year I have had…

  • Ramblings

    Cozy Season Is Upon Us

    It’s cozy season, and I am very much here for it. Although this year feels a lot different, let’s not lie to ourselves, I still feel myself excited about my favorite season. My sweaters are out in full force, I brew tea for myself in the morning again, and I even bought a brand new soft blanket to cuddle under when I watch late night television. There is nothing I love more than chilly weather kept at bay by hot drinks and warm trappings. That being said, my reading is still suffering more than I would have anticipated. This part…

  • Ramblings

    California is on fire.

    Well, to be honest, I’m pretty sure other states are on fire as well. However California’s fire season this year has proven brutal, and it’s only getting started. As I type this, it’s overcast and mildly tinted orange outside. Is it because today is a temperate day? Nope. Is it because of poor air quality? Yup. For those of you who don’t know, I grew up in the high desert. I was in the middle of fire season country. Every year we’d pack boxes of things we’d want to take with us if we had to evacuate, and tuck them…

  • Ramblings

    It’s already September?

    As I write this, I have been working from home for nearly 6 months. That seems like a long time, and it kind of feels that way. It also, doesn’t? What I mean is that time doesn’t seem to have the same kind of flow that it used to when I went into work. The weekends I used to crave now feel like every other day of the week. It’s not because I’m not working, but more because there really isn’t anywhere to go. Or at least, not if you’re trying to be a responsible human. The hubby and I…

  • Ramblings

    Green things, and what not.

    Happy Monday once again friends! Monday’s look a lot different to me since I’ve been home for so long. They mark a new week where time kind of feels like it has no meaning, and yet time continues to march forward. It is the oddest feeling. As of tomorrow I’ll have been home from work for 5 months, and it’s rather surreal. I miss my friends a ton, but I also feel very blessed to be so healthy right now. Anyway I hope you all don’t mind if I ramble at you a bit. It’s been a weird weekend of…

  • Ramblings

    Reading in the Time of the Pandemic.

    You probably saw this title and already figured out that this post was going to be about me lamenting my lack of reading lately. Hilariously, I’ve actually read more in the last few weeks than I have in a while but they’ve all been audio books. Oh, and pretty much all middle grade. I have a happy place I go to when I’m stressed out, and this is it. It’s odd to me that reading used to be my escape, but now I can’t sit still long enough to read a real book for longer than a few chapters. My…

  • Ramblings

    Checking In

    Greetings friends! I know things have been a little quiet the last few weeks around here, but I won’t apologize because I think everyone understands. We’re starting week 9 of quarantine and I don’t know about you guys, but it’s hard on me. This isn’t all going to be a rant I just want to acknowledge that a lot of people are struggling with a million different things right now, myself included, and that’s okay. This shit is hard, but so very important. Over a quarter of a million people have died from Covid-19 worldwide and it’s not over yet.…

  • Ramblings

    KPop Friday

    Yes friends, I’m back to mowing my way through books! Huzzah! Unfortunately my reviewing skills are shaky and my review of The Ninth House is taking forever. So in the meantime I’m going to give you a glimpse into my other obsession…. KPop music. Yup. You heard that right. Today’s song is from my favorite group, and the one that got me into KPop music, SEVENTEEN! These thirteen guys are highly talented, I tell you what. They compose their own songs, choreograph their own music, and also have weekly shows they put out for their fans. This particular song is…