
Checking In

Greetings friends! I know things have been a little quiet the last few weeks around here, but I won’t apologize because I think everyone understands. We’re starting week 9 of quarantine and I don’t know about you guys, but it’s hard on me. This isn’t all going to be a rant I just want to acknowledge that a lot of people are struggling with a million different things right now, myself included, and that’s okay. This shit is hard, but so very important. Over a quarter of a million people have died from Covid-19 worldwide and it’s not over yet. Some states are starting to reopen under strict guidelines and I encourage you to follow them. We all miss spending time with our loved ones but keep our distance and wearing masks is how we keep those we love safe.

Moving onto to happier subjects, Bout of Books 28 starts TODAY. If you’re unfamiliar you should absolutely check it out here. It’s a great read a thon with little challenges and Twitter chats. If you are planning on reading this week anyway, I highly encourage you to join us. Finding new book friends always makes me happy.

Otherwise things around my house are fairly normal, all things considered. My husband works from home for now and my 3 and 4 year old are pretty used to being home with me so we’re mostly just missing our friends/family interactions. With Bout of Books this week I’m hoping to finish a couple books and get those reviews up, plus I have a couple fun new releases to highlight for you in the coming weeks. My little baking business is keeping things interesting in between all the mom tasks, reading, and life stuff going on.

I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy during these crazy times. We appreciate your support for our little corner of the blogging world and hope that reading books brings you the joy it does to our lives.
