• Ramblings

    Checking In

    Greetings friends! I know things have been a little quiet the last few weeks around here, but I won’t apologize because I think everyone understands. We’re starting week 9 of quarantine and I don’t know about you guys, but it’s hard on me. This isn’t all going to be a rant I just want to acknowledge that a lot of people are struggling with a million different things right now, myself included, and that’s okay. This shit is hard, but so very important. Over a quarter of a million people have died from Covid-19 worldwide and it’s not over yet.…

  • Ramblings

    Best Laid Plans and Other Nonsense

    Greetings dear friends. It has been far too long since I’ve stopped in to say hello. Or perhaps it has only been a few weeks. Time feels irrelevant at the moment as days feel forever long and each day brings new information and challenges. I’m sure most of you already are, or will be soon, under quarantine orders. Social distancing is SUPER IMPORTANT so please make sure you’re following all CDC guidelines. I’m not here to be on a soapbox just please keep your distance so we can all get back to some level of normal soon. PRETTY PLEASE. Okay,…

  • Ramblings

    Birthdays and Anniversaries, Oh my!

    Greetings my bookish friends! It has been a bit since I’ve done a personal update and today happens to be my birthday so instead of working on the several reviews I need to do, I decided a fun post was in order. I actually made that cake in the picture for my little ones 3rd birthday a few weeks ago. Yes, she’s 3 now. CRAZY right? When we asked Peanut what kind of party she wanted she said “a rainbow monster cake to scare my friends cause that would be funny”. I enjoy baking as a hobby so I figured…

  • Ramblings

    Vacations, Babies, and Blogging- Oh My!

    Greetings my fellow readers! It has been far too long since I’ve done a personal update and I *magically* have 2 sleeping children at the moment so I figured now is my chance! If you’re wondering why our site has been so quiet this week it’s because Jessica is on vacation. I’m sure we’ll hear more about her many adventures when she gets back, but until then you’re stuck with just me. Unfortunately I haven’t been doing a ton of reading/blogging stuff lately but bear with us, we’ll have more updates soon. If you’ve been following our blog for a…

  • Ramblings

    Books, Blogging and Babies

    Greetings friends and fellow bookworms. Life has been a bit crazy these last few months so I figured a little update was in order. This little lady has been keeping me very busy but it is definitely time well spent.  Unfortunately some of my hobbies have taken a backseat, including reading and blogging. Before I gave birth I had lots of input from moms about how much reading time they got in the early days. Some said they read so much more in the early weeks of their child’s life and some didn’t read for months. I would have to…