• Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (1/22/18)

    I’m typing this up on a Sunday night, cuddled under a blanket, and trying to pretend that the week ahead is not actually coming at me like a freight train. I really love just having time to rest, blog and read. Why can’t weekends be longer? Ack. Okay, anyway, I’ll stop complaining. Let’s talk books instead! Here’s where I stand, with only a week left in this month! Picking off books that have been on my TBR WAY too long has been my goal so far this month. I managed to get through My Best Friend’s Exorcism as a buddy read.…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (1/8/18)

    The first one of these in January, and I’m so pleased with how strong I’ve started out this year! Let me tell you, I was in a hardcore slump the majority of last year. I’d sway in and out, but my reading was nowhere near where it normally is. This year I’m feeling good. I’m taking it slow, and reading what I want, and it’s going well. Here’s my first status update of the year! Can you believe I’ve already powered through 3 books this year? I’m even proud of myself. I picked up The Frog Princess as a light, fun…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (11/13/17)

    Hello bookish friends! Am I the only one who is having a mild meltdown at the fact that Thanksgiving is next week, the month is almost over, and that means that Christmas and New Year are right around the corner? I set a goal to read 120 books this year, to keep things calm and simple, and I might actually not hit that. It’s been a great year so far, just not quite a great one for reading. The good news is that I’m not super worried about it. If I’ve been slacking off on blogging as much as I…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (8/7/17)

    How is it possible that it’s already August? Ack. I feel like this year is speeding by, and I’m barely hanging on by a thread. Reading and blogging have taken a back seat to other things lately, because if there’s one thing I learned last year it’s how to recognize when I needed to step back and chill. I’ve learned what the signs of oncoming depression look like, and I’ve gotten pretty okay at maneuvering myself out of the way. My days lately have been spent curling up in my new reading chair, embroidering, and devouring audio books. It actually…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (5/15/17)

    I hope all our bookish mommies out there had a fabulous Mother’s Day! At the very least, I hope that you had some time to sit around, relax, and read. That, right there, seems like a pretty good gift to me. I spent my weekend, once again, playing catch up. The good news is that I had some time to write some of my backlog reviews down, so you’ll get more content this week! I’m really trying to get more organized again, so I don’t leave you with long bouts of radio silence. Here’s how my reading has been shaping…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (4/3/17)

    Is it truly Monday again already? I tell you, I need a vacation. The bright side of it all is that, despite not having a vacation, I’ve actually been getting a fair amount of reading done! I’m well ahead of my reading goal, and actually feeling really good about the way this year is shaping up. I’ve had a lot of great reads, and that’s just too amazing for words. I’ve actually been binge reading graphic novels lately, but here are three of the books that I’ve finished most recently. The Redemption of Brian O’Connor ended up well worth the time…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (3/13/17)

    Greetings bookish people! It’s that time again. Time to do a check in, and see how the reading pile is dwindling. (Hint: it’s still not because you all recommend so many good books!) The bright side is that I’m well ahead of schedule for my reading challenge, and I’ve actually been enjoying a pretty fair amount of what I’ve been reading! I just need to learn to ease off on the review books now and then. Three very different reads have been devoured over the last week or so. I’ve been trying to vary what I read, to keep myself…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (2/13/17)

    Greetings bookish people! It’s that time again. Time to do a check in, and see how the reading pile is dwindling (it’s not, that’s wishful thinking at best). The bright side is that I’m on track for my reading goal this year, and feeling really good about what I’ve put my grabby little hands on. It’s been a year of pretty darn good reads so far. I’ve been trying to read whatever I feel like picking up, rather than sticking to anything in particular. Thus, why this list look varied! The Firebird had been sitting on my Audible list for eternity,…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (1/9/17)

    Oh look, it’s the first check in of the year! I shied away from memes for a while there, because I didn’t want to rely too much on things that weren’t reviews, but I’ve come to realize that I really should just post what I love. As it turns out, this meme is one of those things! I really enjoy checking in, and seeing what other people are reading as well. So, this is a keeper! This was actually a pretty amazing week of finished reads. I finally finished up Revival by Stephen King which, while it wasn’t what I was…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (11/07/16)

    Click the button to join in the fun! It’s officially November and that means holidays are in full swing around here. We’re planning our annual trip to our hometowns and I’ve already started baking up some delicious rum cakes to share. Holiday season tends to go one of two ways for me, either I get a TON of reading done (thanks to flights, layovers and general down time) or I get no reading done because I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I’m hoping for the former this year.  October was a slow reading month for…