• Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (1/14/19)

    Oh, wow. How the heck have 13 days of the year already flown by? It feels like the first two weeks of January barely count at all, because everyone is trying to get back from vacation, get back to real life, and settle back into the work they left behind. It’s been a weird transition for me, because I feel like a new person this year. I’ve been calmly keeping up with my goals, and reading like a mad woman. I think books are my definite solace this year, and it helps that I’m taking breaks when I need it.…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (11/25/18)

    Apologies for the radio silence all. It’s been a rough last two weeks, and I’ve been trying to dig myself out of a funk that was so deep that I’ve actually barely been reading at all. I love the holidays, I really do. Family, friends, and food. All good things. However they also bring with them memories of loss, and this year we’ve added another loss to that list. It’s hard to separate the feelings I have right now, but I’ve been doing the best I can to keep on keeping on. So, I took a blogging break to let…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (10/22/18)

    Good morning, and happy Monday reader friends! I’ve been chugging along with my reading lately and am, in fact, a whole book ahead of schedule to hit my 120 books this year goal :). The best part is that it hasn’t been a chore. I’ve kind of let myself sink into whatever I feel like reading, and not worry too much about finishing quickly. Hilariously, that’s been making me read faster. What are you going to do? Here’s what my reading looks like lately. I finished up two more Halloween Bingo books. Both Experimental Film by Gemma Files and The Girl…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (8/10/18)

    Well friends, it’s Monday once again. I’m actually writing this on Sunday night, sitting in my cool room, and lamenting the fact that I have to get up early tomorrow and drag my behind to work. This weekend was HOT. So hopefully the week treats me nicer, and makes me want to function. Between the heat and a migraine, I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked. Still, I’m chugging along on Halloween Bingo. Here’s where my reading stands. My reading is so crazy all over the place right now, so my two most recently finished books…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (8/13/18)

    Happy Monday, friends! If it’s as hot where you are as it was here this weekend, please know that I’m thinking of you. Staying inside and reading this weekend was the best possible thing I could have done. I’m hoping you did the same! Here’s what I’ve been working my way through. My reading has been a bit all over the place lately. I’ve been flipping between reading books on homesteading, comics, fantasy, and now a true crime series. Hahaha. It’s nice to feel free to read whatever strikes my fancy. It’s really helping me keep my reading mojo up!…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (7/9/18)

    Happy Monday, friends! If it’s as hot where you are as it was here this weekend, please know that I’m thinking of you. Staying inside and reading this weekend was the best possible thing I could have done. I’m hoping you did the same! Here’s what I’ve been working my way through. Last time I did this meme I’d been through a bout of really excellent reads. This time around, I’m sad to report that it’s been more of a “meh” kind of run. The Feed was slow and failed to live up to what I was hoping for. Furyborn drove me…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (6/18/18)

    Happy Monday, friends! I’m not going to write a long intro today, because I’m tired and not feeling super inspired. I did want to share my reading progress with you though, so… On to the books! It’s been a great run of reads lately. Like, insanely good, to be honest. I haven’t disliked a single thing I’ve powered through. My most recent three reads all garnered at least 4 stars, with Kiss the Ground coming in at a 5 star rating because of how fascinating it was! If you’re at all interested in learning about our agricultural system, I highly recommend…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (5/7/18)

    Happy Monday, y’all! Yes, I actually mean that. Monday it may be, but I’m feeling pretty optimistic about it. As you can see, things have settled into a nice rhythm here at HDB, and that in itself means that things are in a good place. Huzzah! Likewise, my reading has been doing so much better lately as well! I’ve been back into the swing of things, and my review roadblock has vanished. I’ve just kind of learned to let my brain do its thing. If it says that I need to take a break, I do. It makes things go…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (3/5/18)

    Good morning lovely people! Here’s your weekly reminder to kick Monday in the aft end, because it’s only a day and it doesn’t have any power over you ;). Here’ s a further reminder that, if things get too much, escaping into a book is always an option. Isn’t that such a happy thought? My weekend was pretty uneventful. Some time with friends, some books being read, and a lot of cross stitching! I like those kinds of weekends. So worth it. Now that I’ve rambled at you, on to the books! On the finished list is The Sweetness at…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (2/20/18)

    Good morning, guys and gals! Yes, I know that this will post on Tuesday. I’m writing it on a Monday though, so I’m saying it counts ;). Here’s hoping that your long weekend, if you had one, was filled with good reads and lots of quiet time. I actually had a fair bit of that, and it was a nice time to recharge. Work, and life in general, have been wearing on me the last two weeks. So it was nice to have some time to step back, be calm, and just reset. Any time you see me vanish from…