• Wrap Up Posts/Reading Lists

    October 2017 Reading List

    Hi bookish people! It’s October, and boy am I ready for this month to kick off in a really big way. Not only is it the month of Halloween parties, Fall goodies and cooler weather, it’s also the month that I’ll be going on vacation. Trust me, I need this. I’m burnt out to the max. Which is why it’s been a little quieter around here lately, and I haven’t been reading quite as fervently as I normally do. I’ve been doing more tv watching and music listening. Vegging out, if you will. My October reading list is therefore a…

  • Wrap Up Posts/Reading Lists

    September 2017 Reading List

    Ah, the dregs of summer. I’d love to say that it’s going to be cool by the end of this month, but history tells me that it’ll be well past Halloween before it’s less than 80 outside during the middle of the day. So, I’ll just embrace it and continue on with my summer theme! September begins our BookLikes yearly “Halloween bingo”, so you can expect to see my reading a ton of horror and thriller books! Here’s a quick spotlight on what I’ll be reading this month. In Progress Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier I’ve been meaning to read this…

  • Wrap Up Posts/Reading Lists

    July 2017 Reading List

    Oh look, it’s July! Am I writing this while snacking on hot dogs and hamburgers? Yes, yes I am. Am I already woefully behind because it’s the 4th, and the month has already kicked off in a massive way? Yes, yes I am. June flew by, my birthday has come and gone, and I feel like I’m scrambling.  I always hit a mid-year slump when it comes to the blog. Coming up with new content every week is tricky stuff. Especially when you’ve been doing it for 7 years. I shouldn’t complain though, because the fact remains that I love…

  • Wrap Up Posts/Reading Lists

    May 2017 Reading List

    Can you believe that it’s already May, friends? The year is officially 1/3 of the way over, and I’m a little stunned at how quickly it’s flying by!  The good news is that I’ve made this year a good one so far. I promised myself that I’d break out of my shell, and make memories. I’ve been sticking to that! Despite my exhaustion sometimes, and despite my anxiety that tries to keep me down, I’ve raved, run a 5K, rode roller coasters, attended book festivals, and started a penpal group. I’m determined to keep it going, and excited about what’s…

  • Wrap Up Posts/Reading Lists

    February 2017 Reading List!

    Can you BELIEVE that it’s February already? I admit, this month is kind of one of my favorites though. It means temperatures are one the rise, chocolate is given freely, and I can paste hearts everywhere without anyone complaining. It also means that it’s time for some sizzling romance! So let’s take a look at the highlights of what is on my plate for this month. Out February 13th, from Pocket Star! Hotel chain mogul Sol DuMont is about to learn that some of life’s biggest surprises come in deceptively small packages—namely a petite heiress named Rain who’s hell-bent on…