Wrap Up Posts/Reading Lists

July 2017 Reading List

Oh look, it’s July! Am I writing this while snacking on hot dogs and hamburgers? Yes, yes I am. Am I already woefully behind because it’s the 4th, and the month has already kicked off in a massive way? Yes, yes I am. June flew by, my birthday has come and gone, and I feel like I’m scrambling. 
I always hit a mid-year slump when it comes to the blog. Coming up with new content every week is tricky stuff. Especially when you’ve been doing it for 7 years. I shouldn’t complain though, because the fact remains that I love this!
So let’s take a look at what I’ll be tackling this month.
Jonathan Stroud

I LOVE this series. It toes that line between spooky and just tons of fun. The characters are wonderful, although I don’t deny that Lucy is absolutely my favorite, and the stories are always completely engrossing. Since I picked the first book up two years ago, I’ve been utterly addicted. 
Do you love audiobooks? This series is amazing on audio! Emily Bevan brings each character to life in a way that I just can’t describe. You’ll have to listen.
Zoe Whittall

I discovered this book, and this Canadian publishing company, at the LA Times Festival of Books this year. I’ve been hanging on to it, waiting for the right time to read it. Lo and behold, I picked it up this weekend on a whim and fell deep into the pages. This has become my train commute read, and I’m not even upset. It’s an interesting glimpse at the world of 20-somethings who don’t know where they stand in the world. It’s a book that flits between the lives of different characters who come from all over, and are somehow now deeply intertwined. It’s honestly pretty beautiful.
Nick Cutter

Rounding out my picks for this month is a horror novel that I’ve been putting off reading, mostly because I know it’s going to freak to me out. I love Nick Cutter. I love the visceral way he writes, and the fact that you can’t look away from his stories. Hilariously, I also kind of hate it. His books are obsessive reads. Ones you read until 2am and then can’t sleep because you’re too freaked out. It’s hilarious.
I’m in the right place for this now though, and I can’t wait to devour it!
That’s my TBR for this month!

Obviously I have a ton of review books to tackle, along with other random reads I pick up, but you can look forward to reviews of these three at least.
What are you reading this month?