
A Bit of Sunshine and Updates

sunflower during sunset
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Oh wow, it’s been so long since I’ve been on here that WordPress has updated multiple times and everything feels so new and shiny. I have to say, the all in one aspect of the backend of this is pretty impressive. I know you all can’t see it, but man existing in the internet world is hard these days. And so having all the SEO options, and metatags, etc. etc. in one space is pretty darn cool. This makes me a giddy little blogger. I fully admit it.

Anyway I’m here to tell you that, although I am not anywhere near back to normal (and admittedly probably never will be) I’ve healed enough that I feel I can come back here. I’ve learned a lot these last few months. Losing someone I loved deeply reprioritized a lot of things for me, and also reminded me that life isn’t a competition. In the internet world it’s super easy to always feel like you’re falling behind, or in a race. But the fact of the matter is that I do this, I run this blog, because it makes me happy. I like writing reviews, and I like sharing bookish opinions and news with all of you. This is my space, and I’ll do what I darn well please, algorithms be damned.

So yeah, hi. I missed you all.

Reviews coming soon!

Leave Some Love!