
How are we all doing?

flock of flying birds
Photo by Adrianna Calvo on Pexels.com

Seriously friends, how are we all doing? How are you really, truly doing? I think a lot of us are so tired, frustrated, and flat out furious that we’ve grown used it and aren’t even acknowledging it anymore. Whenever I see a tweet, or an article, about how other people are feeling lost and alone I just nod. I feel that in my soul. Whether I pay attention to that feeling all the time or not, it’s still there.

Since school ended I’ve had much more time to read, and to work on my blog. Both things that I was looking forward to ever since the prospect of finishing was on the horizon. I received my email conferring my degree, and it felt like a giant weight lifted off of my shoulders. Then, it was replaced by all the things I have been able to push to the back of my brain the last few months. A lot of us are not okay, even if we look fine on the outside.

To all of you out there feeling the same way, but pushing through. To those of you who have days where the world crashes down and you feel lost. I see you, and I understand how you feel. There is so much happening right now, all at once. Remember that all feelings are valid. No one wants to be tired, frustrated or furious. But it’s important to let those feelings settle and actually meet them head on, instead of pushing them away and letting them simmer.

Just know, you’re not alone!

Let’s agree on one thing for the rest of the year, okay? We aren’t going to pick on anyone for what brings them joy. Put up those Halloween decorations today. Buy that fun printed dressing gown. Have cheese and wine for lunch, just because it’s a fun thing to do. Do what makes your soul joyful, because that’s how we survive.