Wrap Up Posts/Reading Lists

December 2018 Reading List

The last month of the year is upon us! How crazy is that? It feels like only yesterday that I was making resolutions for this blog in the spirit of 2018 headed our way, and valiantly planning a new reading list. I have to say, although 2018 didn’t turn out quite the way I planned it to for this blog, this year was much better than the last. So, baby steps and all that. Sometimes life doesn’t let us do what we’d planned.
That being said, I’m 11 books away from my yearly goal of 120, and not 100% sure if I’m going to hit it this year. Part of me, the part that has massive anxiety over that kind of stuff, is freaking out. The other part, the part that has learned how to be kind to herself, is reminding me that it’s fine if I don’t hit my goal. I’ve read some amazing books this year, and had a lot more fun with it too. So, we’ll see what happens. Here’s what I’m at least planning on tackling for December.

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green

I picked this as one of my Book of the Month reads a few months ago, but I was in horror mode and set it aside. Since then, I’ve heard rave reviews for it from a ton of friends. Which, of course, means my interest is piqued! It’s hard not to fall in love with the premise of this book anyway. Who doesn’t want to read a story about giant samurai robots? Exactly.

Horns by Joe Hill

I confess, I’ve never read this book. I did see the movie adaptation, and I’ve been meaning to tackle the book for a while, but it just never happened. When my reader friend sent me a signed copy of this book, I knew it was time to put it firmly on the TBR. In fact, as soon as I finish the MG book I’m listening to right now, this will be my next read. I’m pretty excited, if I’m being honest. I love Joe Hill, and this book is calling my name.

Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee

Another gifted book, and another book that I had to set aside when I was going through my horror phase. I’m eager for a SciFi novel though, and this one not only comes with fantastic Goodreads reviews, but the love of one of my favorite reader friends. So it’s a must on this year’s reading list, so that we can gush over it. The fact that I now own it in a hardcopy actually makes things easier, because I can go find a quiet place and just get lost in the story.

That’s it for me this month! I’m going to valiantly try for the 11 books, but I’m not setting anything in stone. I’d rather put these three on my radar, and then just read whatever strikes my fancy in between.
Are you nearing your Goodreads goal? Did you find any new favorite books this year?