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Author Holiday Extravaganza: Lisa’s Sweet Potato Surprise!

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Today it’s all about the recipes, straight from the fabulous Lisa Sanchez!

If you haven’t read her very steamy (ahem) book, Eve of Samhain, well shame on you. I’ll forgive you this time though and let Lisa take it away! Warning, this recipe is drool worthy. You may want a napkin.
I’m a Christmas girl. I love twinkling lights, ornaments and decorations. I enjoy getting up at three in the morning on Back Friday and bumping elbows with crazy shoppers looking for good deals. But, my favorite thing, aside from spending time with my family and friends, is the rich holiday food.  Oh, how I love the food.
One of my favorite Christmas dishes as a child was my mother’s candied yams. She’d mash the yams up, sprinkle them with spices and top them with marshmallows that would melt into ooey gooey goodness in the oven. She’d make those babies every year and they quickly became a holiday staple for our family.
Then I grew up and married a man who hates sweet potatoes. With a passion. No joke, the man wouldn’t get within three feet of my favorite root vegetable without a scowl. How could this be? Why couldn’t he love my favorite dish?
Determined to win him over, I set out on a mission to find a sweet potato recipe that would knock his socks off. Something sweet and savory that would entice even the most finicky of pallets. After crashing and burning several times, I finally came across the magic recipe online, on a crafting website of all places. Woot!
My husband, self-proclaimed sweet potato hater that he was, now asks me when I’m going to prepare this special dish. In fact, he’s even, on occasion, asked me to make a double batch because people go through it so fast. Yes, yes …I have found it, people. I have discovered the magic sweet potato recipe that everyone will enjoy. And guess what? I’m totally going to share it with all of you, because yeah… that’s how I roll with the Christmas spirit.
So, without further ado, I give you:  Lisa’s Sweet Potato Surprise
You will need:
4 large sweet potatoes (about 3 pounds) peeled and cooked. I peel them, cut them up and boil em.
1 cup butter ( did I mention earlier that this recipe is unhealthy? No? Brace yourselves, peeps.)
1 cup sugar
4 eggs
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1 tbsp vanilla
For the topping, you will need:
2 cups firmly packed brown sugar
2/3 cup butter at room temp
2/3 cup all purpose flour
2 cups chopped pecans (this is optional. We have a nut allergy in the family, so we don’t add the nuts and it’s still fab)
Preheat oven to 375. Butter a 9×13 dish. In a large bowl, mash the cooked sweet potatoes. Add butter, sugar, eggs, evaporated milk and vanilla. Beat with electric mixer until smooth and well blended. Pour mixture into buttered baking dish.
To prepare topping:
In a bowl, mix brown sugar, butter and flour until crumbly.  Spread topping evenly over sweet potato mixture.
Bake in preheated oven until set and lightly browned on top (35-40 minutes.)