Book Reviews

Book Review: My Fake Boyfriend Is Better Than Yours


Seventh grade was supposed to be fun, but Tori is having major drama with her BFF, Sienna. Sienna changed a lot over the summer on the first day of school she’s tan, confident, and full of stories about her new dreamy boyfriend. Tori knows that she’s totally making this guy up. So Tori invents her own fake boyfriend, who is better than Sienna’s in every way. Things are going great unless you count the whole lying-to-your-best-friend thing until everyone insists Tori and Sienna bring their boyfriends to the back-to-school dance.
(From Goodreads)
Cover Inspection:
Such a sweet concept for a cover!
First Thoughts:
Tori, oh Tori. What are you getting yourself into?
My Review:
Adorable. Pure and simple, that’s what this book was. It’s a quick read at only 192 pages, and the premise is something that anyone of any age can relate to. Remember that girl in school who was too cool for anyone else? What would happen if that girl used to be your best friend before the summer break? That’s what happens to Tori, and she has no idea how to react!
Tori was so sweet and endearing as a main character. I thought it was amazing how well she knew Sienna, and how willing she was to accommodate to her at first. In terms of good friendships I would definitely have to say Tori is at least an 8. Her willingness to be a great friend despite the circumstances really made me smile. I don’t want to spoil, but there were a few times where I giggled out loud at the lengths she went to for Sienna’s well being! 
Sienna is also a very believable character. Even growing up in a smaller town, I saw the girls who suddenly morphed over breaks. The girls who tried to fit into the popular crowd so that the would feel more accepted. It never occurred to them who they were leaving behind. What really touched me was how true to life Sienna’s feeling and need for acceptance really were. It resonated with me in a way that made me love this book that much more.
Long story short? This is a very sweet, very fun read! If you are looking for something light to read over the summer, this is definitely a book for you. Endearing characters, true to life circumstances, Kristina Springer has built an extremely adorable novel for the YA crowd!
Book Detail
Title: My Fake Boyfriend is Better Than Yours
Author: Kristina Springer
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Girroux
Pages: Hardcover; 192
Source: Around the World Tours

Final Rating: 5 Keys to My Heart
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