Wrap Up Posts/Reading Lists

2017 Wrap Up: 2018 Blog Goals

Alright bookish people, today let’s talk about 2018 Blog Goals.
It’s been a while since I actually set any because, as I explained in my 2016 wrap up, 2017 was supposed to be the year of quiet introspection and leisurely reading. I needed to get back to my roots, and make reading enjoyable again. As you know, it worked. I’m ready to plan.
Goal #1 – Social Media Balance

I took a big step back from social media this year, but it’s also an important part of running/publicizing a blog. So my goal for 2018 is to learn to balance a good amount of interaction with a good amount of unplugging. Learning to step away and pick up new hobbies was good for me, and I want to keep that going. It’s all about balance.
Goal #2 – Fun Content

Whenever I get stressed, this blog always becomes about nothing but reviews and book blitzes. My goal for 2018 is to get back to posting book hauls, comic posts, fun reading lists, and even hopefully host some cool giveaways! I don’t want this to just be a job, but to be the place I fell in love with when I started blogging almost 8 years ago!
Goal #3 – Blog Interaction

One of things I lost these last few years was interaction with other bloggers and their content! I miss that! So in 2018 I’m going to set up a new feed and start commenting/interacting again. I want to read others reviews, and just be part of the community again!
Goal #4 – Diverse Reading

If 2017 taught me anything, it’s that I like to hide in my Fantasy bubble. When I dared to venture out though, and read the few non-fiction books that I did this year, I really enjoyed it! So my reading goal in 2018 is to read outside my comfort zone again. I’m doing the Popsugar 2018 challenge for just this reason!
That’s it for me!

What are your blogging/reading goals for 2018? Any big plans?