• Ramblings

    Sunday Funday: Harry Potter Season!

    Happy Sunday my lovely bookworms! Harry Potter Season has officially started in my household (yes, HP gets it’s own season, don’t judge!). This weekend I marathon watched the last 4 movies, although I’ve seen every movies multiple times they never seem to get old. HP season is the beginning of the holidays for me. Rum cake baking, Christmas card making and HP watching season is my favorite of the year. When we get back from Thanksgiving travels it will be decorating time! This is our second year in the house but the first year we’re decorating and I’m pretty excited.…

  • Ramblings

    Wednesday Musings

    Happy Wednesday friends! Today you get an adorable squirrel stealing a pumpkin because 1) it’s almost Halloween and 2) cute animal pictures cheer me up. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because I love seeing how creative people can be with their costumes. The more detail the better in my opinion, even though I’m pretty terrible at costumes myself. The costumes that don’t fit through doors always make me laugh because I can’t imagine how uncomfortable it must be to have to turn sideways through every doorway you walk through. Since it’s only one day a year I suppose…