• Ramblings

    Sunday Funday

    Greetings friends! I know Sunday is technically the beginning of the week, but for me it always feels like the end of the week. I mean, Monday is the start of the work week so shouldn’t we just start the week there too? No? I guess that makes sense, but I digress. It’s ANOTHER super cold day here in Minnesota and so we’re staying indoors and trying to keep the toddlers entertained. Nothing like a -40° windchill to brighten up your day. I hope all of you are keeping warm, wherever you may be today.  Since it’s  Funday, I thought…

  • Ramblings

    Reading and Life Updates

    Hello my book loving friends. It has been entirely too long since I have enjoyed your company and I hope to remedy that in the near(ish) future. So much has gone on this past year it’s hard to quantify in a short update but I will try to keep it short. Bonus picture for reading my ramblings.  So, on the lighter side of things, my days are very busy chasing my 2 toddlers around. Peanut started preschool last fall and Batman will be 2 in April. My how time flies! As you can imagine, wrangling a one and three year old keeps me busy.…