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    The 7th and 8th Paths are solved!

    Tweet Ready for some more Nine Paths fun? The Mai symbol for foe is what you see right there to the left. The 7th Path centered around this symbol. Who is Chloe’s foe? Well I intended to find out. We were sent a package with a business card (notice the odd edge) and a pen. Upon opening them I made sure to look all over each, and even took the pen apart. Oh don’t judge me, ABC Family and the Mai can be tricky! However it was the back of the card that held the secret. It told me to…

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    The 6th Path!

    Tweet Ready for some more Chloe King and Nine Paths goodness? The show is only 5 days away! Are you excited? I AM! Again, there is still time to start playing if you haven’t already. Get over to this link and start playing. The prizes are well worth it! Let’s start off where I last left you shall we? At the end of the last post I shared with you that my next clue had shown up, and so I’ll start from the beginning of the 6th Path! I woke up to this awesome shirt in the mail, and was instantly…

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    The Fourth and Fifth Paths revealed!

    Tweet Those of you playing along at home may have wondered where my clues have been! Apologies for my lack of blogging about them, but here is a quick rundown of everything that has gone on! As always, if you need some help let me know. If you see anything intriguing, share it out! Oh, and only 8 more days left until the show debut! AHHHH! The Fourth Path began with….a bib. Yes you heard me right. A bib! We were told to look for a clue on there. So I looked and yup. A symbol was hiding on the…

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    The Third Path solved!

    Tweet Ready for some more Nine Paths fun? This little box showed up at my door a few days ago, and I admit that I wasn’t expecting such a small package! What on Earth could be in it? After opening it I found this little jewelry box. Ooooh. Jewelry you say? As a girl who loves a good pair of earrings or a necklace, I was intrigued! Sadly I had to wait until I got home from work to actually open it… When I finally had time to open it, look what I found! A mysterious language filling a card,…

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    Mai Heritage – The Second Path!

    Tweet Hey all! Are you ready for some more Mai goodness with The Nine Lives of Chloe King? So I’m still not sure if the clues I’m getting are the same ones all you playing from home are. Today I was sent this very pretty kitty, and asked to answer three key questions about its origin in order to be able to move ahead. This was a tricky one! I spent quite a bit of time on Google, but I got it! I was then directed to this video and asked to share it with you, my awesome followers. It…