• Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

    Fictional Places with Elizabeth Isaacs, AND A GIVEAWAY!

    Elizabeth Isaacs, author of The Light of Asteria, is here to share a little bit about herself! I asked her what 10 fictional places she’d visit if she could. Tough question right? Well I think she chose amazingly well, if I do say so myself. Take a look! 10. Whoville from How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss— Not just whoville, pretty much any world of Theodore Geisel. I’d really love to see where the Lorax lives, or Mulberry street. What about where Horton lives, or a place where they eat green eggs and ham? Number ten is devoted…

  • Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

    On My Wishlist (2)

    On My Wishlist is a weekly feature run by the great book blog, Book Chick City. To learn more about this meme, get the details here. I actually just discovered this book yesterday! Elizabeth started following me on Twitter, and I go through my new contacts at least once a week or so to see who I’d like to follow back. When I found out that she was an author well…of course I had to find out what book she had written! Off I went, and stumbled upon this. It sounds so amazing! As a lover of all things fantasy I am…