• Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

    Supernatural Fun Facts: A Guest Post by Sherry Seoule

     “Supernatural Fun Facts” Today’s post is provided by author Sherry Soule, who is celebrating the release of her newest novel, IMMORTAL ECLIPSE. If you like supernatural suspense mingled with a dash of chick-lit and a healthy dose of paranormal romance, then this is the book for you! Sherry has put together three supernatural fun facts about her newest novel. In this post, you can learn more about the intriguing, supernatural legends that makeup the eerie world of the Summerwind Mansion. Supernatural Fun Fact #1 A doppelganger is believed to be a ghostly double of a living person that haunts its living…

  • Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

    Talking about the supernatural, with author Sherry Soule

    Please welcome to the blog, Sherry Soule! She is the author of the upcoming Beautifully Broken which honestly is on the top of my wishlist! The cover alone just makes me salivate. I digress though! Here is a guest post from this lovely author, and I’ll have a review up very soon as well! Supernatural  By  author, Sherry Soule The word supernatural means above or beyond nature. It has become a general term for anything that we cannot explain rationally or logically. Some of the more familiar supernatural occurrences are disembodied entities, such as ghosts, dark spirits, hauntings, angels, apparitions, or…