• Book Reviews

    Book Review: Seabound by Jordan Rivet

    Media Type: Ebook Title: Seabound Series: The Seabound Chronicles #1 Author: Jordan Rivet Publisher: Self-published Pages: Paperback; 409 Release Date: October 30, 2014 Source: Author ——————————————— Genre: Post-apocalyptic adventure HDB Rating: 4 Keys to My Heart Recommended to: Readers who enjoy post-apocalyptic adventures with interesting characters. Add it on: Goodreads | Amazon | BookLikes When an apocalyptic catastrophe decimates the land, a lucky few escape to sea. 1,003 survivors make their home on a souped-up cruise ship called the Catalina. After sixteen years, the strain begins to show in a floating world of distrust and shifting allegiances. Esther is a young mechanic who wants to prove herself, and she’s willing to take risks in…