• Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

    Blog Tour – Interview with Hilari Bell

    1) Welcome Hilari! I always like to start my interviews with a challenge. What color would you say best describes you and why? I’m going to say hazel–a soft, mossy green with gold tints. It’s a very relaxing, mellow color. Not boring, but it’s not going to leap out and assault your eyes. 2) After reading your bio I noticed that you had many books written before you were first published. How did it feel to get that first book published? Amazing, stunning, overwhelming, astonishing…and when my second book sold just a few months later, terrifying. It’s interesting though, people…

  • Book Reviews

    Blog Tour – Book Review: Trickster’s Girl

    In the year 2098 America isn’t so different from the USA of today. But, in a post-9/11 security-obssessed world, “secured” doesn’t just refer to borders between countries, it also refer to borders between states. Teenagers still think they know everything, but there is no cure for cancer, as Kelsa knows first-hand from watching her father die. The night Kelsa buries her father, a boy appears. He claims magic is responsible for the health of Earth, but human damage disrupts its flow. The planet is dying. Kelsa has the power to reverse the damage, but first she must accept that magic…