• Book Reviews

    Book Review: Love Hack by Kimberly Dean

    Media Type: Ebook Title: Love Hack Author: Kimberly Dean Publisher: Independent Pages: 180 Release Date: March 8, 2018 Source: PUYB/Author ——————————————- Genre: Romantic Suspense HDB Rating: 3 Keys to My Heart Recommended to: Readers who enjoy steamy fun and a bit of suspense Add it on: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N Security analyst Spencer Weiler is excited when he lands a job at Afire Industries. The responsibility is daunting, but nowhere near as exhilarating as working with Josie Johnson, the pretty program manager in charge. Spencer lusts after her, but knows that she only sees him as a work friend. He needs to make himself over if he’s going to have a shot…