• Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

    Book Blitz and Giveaway: Castles and Cauldrons by Tammy Tyree

    Happy Friday my lovely reader friends. When this stunning cover crossed my path I knew I had to share this new release with you all! Witchcraft, demons, nuns, and a Sheriff trying to keep everyone under control. What could possibly go wrong?! Castles & CauldronsTammy Tyree(The Castle Point Witch Series, #2)Publication date: August 7th 2023Genres: Adult, Paranormal Castle Point’s nunnery is wreaking havoc on Alexandra Heale’s personal property. The nuns, under the rule of an ancient demon, are acting anything but holy. Alexandra’s best friend and fellow witch, Penny, is missing, presumably kidnapped and being held by the Witch Hunters…