• Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

    Book Blitz and Giveaway: Mistle Text by Whitney Dineen and Melanie Summers

    Happy Tuesday friends. Now listen, I know it’s not even Halloween yet but I’m just full on embracing all of the holidays this year. Let’s celebrate everything: fall leaves, getting spooky at Halloween, delicious food and family at Thanksgiving, and all of the holiday cheer. This year has been stressful enough. If I want a happy Christmas romance in September, by god I’m going to enjoy it. Mistle Text: ‘Twas the Text Before Christmas …Whitney Dineen & Melanie Summers(An Accidentally in Love Story, #5)Publication date: September 25th 2021Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Holiday, Romance Twas the text before Christmas… Twenty-eight-year-old Holly…