
The week where time stands still

Am I the only one who constantly feels like the week between Christmas and New Year moves like absolute molasses? I always end up working. Everyone else is pretty much always on vacation. It just feels like I’m this little island who is waiting patiently for everyone else to return. *sigh* Ah well. At least it gives me time to plan for the blog in 2023.

As you can tell, 2022 saw this blog sitting on the back burner a LOT. This was the year we went back to work in the office, and the little work/life balance that I had FINALLY crafted for myself was upset all over again. I spent most of the summer trying to figure out how I used to go into work every single day of the week, and not absolutely fall over by Wednesday. Now I’ve kind of settled back into my new schedule again, and things are easing up.

I have found that, historically, planners don’t work great for me. They’re usually too bulky to carry around, and I’ll forget to grab it before a day in the office, or a day out. But this year I discovered the Hobonochi Weeks and so far I am in LOVE with its simplicity. It’s small, it’s purse friendly, and I don’t feel the need to make it look all pretty. It’s as functional as it gets, and I think this is going to be my golden egg that actually helps me succeed. Fingers crossed.

Anyway this week you’ll get the normal end of the year goodies. Blog goals for next year, a yearly wrap up, and some insight into books I wish I had read in 2022 (we can still hope). Then it’ll be back to business as usual and I’ll hopefully get back on the blog tour circuit. I missed it.

Anyway I hope your holidays are lovely! Stay safe, stay warm, and as always thanks for sticking around.