
Hello there friends!

a red rose petals near the white paper
Photo by Daria Liudnaya on Pexels.com

I honestly didn’t realize how long I’d been away from here, and I apologize for making you all wait for me! There have been a series of weird health things happening with me. They kind of piled up, one after another, and only now do I finally feel semi-normal. Most of my energy has been spent just listening to my body and trying to take care of it. My reading and my blogging took a backseat. Which, honestly, is as it should be. Never forget that you are most important! Always take care of yourself first.

That being said, I am back to a point where I can finally feel like focusing again! Although we leave for vacation in just under two weeks, I have some posts that I’ll be scheduling and I promise to share some photos while we travel. I’m back to hosting book tours again, which has been a lot of fun! There are lots of amazing books coming out for Summer, and I can’t wait to share them with you! Lots of good reviews coming down the pipeline.

As I always say, thank you for sticking with me friends. For understanding that there are real people behind this blog who sometimes have lives that take over. We appreciate you.