
It’s been pretty quiet so far this month, right?

unrecognizable woman typing on laptop
Photo by George Milton on Pexels.co

Perhaps you’re wondering, where did Jessica go? Last month was so full of updates, and she has all but disappeared. If you were curious, my coworker (read: the only person who I directly work with on all our tasks) has been on vacation for the last 10 days. Hahaha. So essentially the answer is that I have been so swamped in work, that being on the computer outside of work hours sounds awful. So my apologies for the quietness around here! I have been reading, and I do have more reviews to share! I just need my other half to come back, so I can decompress and get back to turning my reading notes into coherent thoughts.

That being said, my spooky season reading is in full swing! I’ve been having a blast reading all sorts of creepy reads, cuddling under toasty blankets and drinking way too much tea. I bought myself a milk frother so that I could make at home tea lattes. That led to buying some Monin syrup, and now I just drink tea lattes on a daily basis. It’s the best! It’s been a great way to wind down at the end of the day. Between that and convincing my hubby to watch more tv with me, it’s been a good way to deal with the stress. I refuse to let myself get overwhelmed again.

So anyway, I’ll be back with reviews soon! Tina will also have some great posts coming out the next few weeks, and we’ll be back up to par. Worry not! And as always, thanks for sticking around.