Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts #4

“Now, the world is more than it seems to be. You know this, of course, because you read stories. You understand that there is the surface and then there are all the things that glimmer and shift underneath it. And you know that not everyone believes in those things, that there are people—a great many people—who believe the world cannot be any more than what they can see with their eyes. But we know better.”

Breadcrumbs – Anne Ursu

I have actually been plowing through books faster than I expected to, and so I’m debating on doing a comfort re-read of something that I love. Right now Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu is at the top of the list. This book always makes me feel warm and fuzzy. It’s a little sad, and a little spooky, but it’s the kind of fairy tale that makes you feel bold and brave. It baffles me that there are adults out there who don’t read Middle Grade fiction. So much of it is so poignant and beautiful, I feel like people are missing out.

Anyway things have slid back into a weird kind of normalcy again. For a while, around the holidays, I was in a funk. I think that’s when being stuck at home really struck me the hardest. Since then though I’ve gotten back into a new routine. Found things to do to keep me going, been kinder to my brain by adding in meditation sessions, and just all around been trying to make the best of things. If you asked me at this time last year what the year would bring, I would have told you excitedly about all of my plans. Here we are a year later, and I have no plans. So much changed so quickly. I still feel sideswiped by that fact.

I think that’s why it’s time for a comfort read. I need something that will remind me of why books are so wonderful, and why I always found them to be a portal away from everything when I was a kid. Maybe that’s why I love Middle Grade books so much now. They remind me of what it was like to have a bright outlook, filled with wonder and magic. I know that’s still inside of me somewhere. I just need to work on coaxing it back out again.