
A year of January.

bare feet boy child couch
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Oh man, this picture is such a mood. As we head towards the year mark of this pandemic, I’m finding myself having to try harder and harder to not just hide in a pillow fort every day. Some days are better than others, of course. Some mornings I wake up and feel top notch, bebopping around our house and doing mundane household chores with flourish. Other days I wake up, immediately remember that I am a responsible human being who basically goes nowhere, and feel like I just want to hide under the covers for the rest of the day. Those days everything seems hard. Today, yes today, is one of those days.

I hadn’t even realized that we’d reach February until I stopped to bullet journal last night and realized that I hadn’t set up a new habit tracker. Part of me was indifferent about it, but the other part of me tried to remind her that tracking things is good. Small wins are good. Any forward progress at all at this point is good. We’re all doing the best we can, stumbling forward at the pace that works best for us. It’s all we can do and you know what? I’m proud of us for doing it.

It has basically felt like I haven’t moved in over a year, but I know that’s not true. So if you’re feeling the same way, I’m here to remind you that you’re moving forward my friend. Even if it is infinitesimally.

Hang in there.