
Planning for 2020

Is it too early to start planning for 2020?

Asking for a friend.

Seriously though, this year is all but flying by and, as my husband put the finishing touches on our Halloween costumes for the year, I had a mild panic attack. Before we know it we’ll be rounding the bend into 2020, and I want to be more prepared this next year. Not just in blogging, but in everything.

See, my Master’s Degree program starts in a mere 3 weeks, and so I’ll soon be juggling a full time job, this blog (which I refuse to get rid of) and actual homework again. Ah, homework. How I didn’t miss you. I have confidence that I’ll be fine. I mean, I’ve done this before. Right? Well, kind of. I didn’t have a full time job last time. I think I just need a plan, and that’s why my brain is freaking out a bit.

So share with me, what are your organizational tricks? Anything that works really well for you? I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve tried paper planners and I’ve failed. I can’t remember to check/add to them. So anything digital that’s been a win for you? I’d love all suggestions.

Are you ready for Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas friends? They’re approaching faster than we think.

Bring it on.