Book Reviews

Book Review: Behind the Stars by Leigh Talbert Moore

This wonderful book releases today so get your copy now!

Media Type: Ebook (ARC)

Title: Behind the Stars
Author: Leigh Talbert Moore
Publisher: Self
Pages: ebook, 287
Release Date: December 31, 2014
Source: Author

Content Screening: Mild Violence

HDB Rating: 4 Keys to My Heart
Recommended to: Readers that enjoy sci-fi and normal girls who become heroes.
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Prentiss Puckett is certain of three things:
-Graduation is two weeks away.
-Summer only gets hotter in south Mississippi.
-She’s getting a job with air-conditioning.
She did not expect to be kidnapped walking to work.
And she never expected to become a hero.

If you haven’t picked up the first installment of this serial release, I highly recommend you pick up the full series which released today! I’ve been a fan of Leigh Talbert Moore for a while now, and when I heard her next series would be adventurous and sci-fi based I knew I had to get my hands on it. I was not disappointed.

Prentiss was a character that grew on me. I loved her constant questioning and her unfailing determination to save her friends. I thought I knew where the story was headed but there were several unexpected twists that I enjoyed a lot. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but needless to say, Prentiss definitely found her voice.

I really enjoyed the world building, having only briefly driven through Mississippi as a child I don’t have much familiarity with the area. Moore does a wonderful job not only creating the scenery but also the feel of a summer in south Mississippi. I could feel the sweat on my brow as she describes the kids working on the farm in the humid and hot summer air.

This book was not what I expected at all and I think that’s what I enjoyed most about it. I haven’t read anything like it. The plot was always moving forward, even throughout the flashbacks, I could tell there was something coming. I enjoyed the bits of backstory that the flashbacks provided and it gave a real sense of Prentiss and what her life was like prior to being kidnapped. I do want to mention that while there is some action and sci-fi elements, most of the story revolves around relationships and how they can change and develop even in the most dire circumstances.

If you’re looking for an interesting story with some well built characters and a bit of action, this is the book for you. Leight Talbert Moore has done it again!

FTC Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was not monetarily compensated for my opinion.