
Some Ramblings

This is where I wish I was right now… doesn’t that look heavenly?
Hi there bookish friends! *stretches and yawns* Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve actually written anything on here that wasn’t a review, a promotional post, or a giveaway, hasn’t it? I remember when I first started this blog I used to relish in writing random posts. Then, slowly, life got in the way. Full time jobs, with hour long commutes, will do that to you! Still it’s nice to stretch out in here and write some ramblings once in a while. I thought I’d catch you up on what’s going on in the world of Jessica, the bookworm.
First and foremost, a HUGE wave an hello to any new followers out there! Thanks for picking me to follow. I hope I entertain you. Actually, I hope I help you find tons of books to squee over and entertain you. After all, that’s my goal.
In other news, in a mere three weeks I’ll have been a married woman for a year. I know, right? Doesn’t it seem like I was just gushing, posting dorky pictures, and being excited for my wedding? Yup. It has almost been a year and I’m slightly freaking out at how quickly time passes. Here’s a gushy picture for old times sake.
Also I’ve been in a little bit of a reading slump. Not so much that I’ve stopped reading altogether. More that I’m being extra picky about what I finish. If I pick up something and it doesn’t catch my attention in about 20 minutes, bye bye book. On to something new. On the bright side I’ve found some awesome reads that way!
We’re also really busy gearing up for a big trip early next year. If everything goes well, we should be heading out to South Korea for a visit to my hubby’s brother and our awesome friends who are teaching out there. Since this is the first time I’ll ever be flying overseas…well…I think I’m entitled to be a little nervous. Who knew that getting a passport was so much paperwork? 
If you haven’t been following me for very long, let me tell you that I know I ramble. However I also am a total lover of all things bookish and of making new reader friends. So feel free to start a conversation with me at any time :). I’m always here to chat.
I’ll leave you in peace now. Thanks for listening to my ramblings, and happy remainder of your weekend!