Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

Blogger Backstage Pass: Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer!

It’s time for another edition of Blogger Backstage Pass! Are you always looking for shiny new blogs to follow? Do you feel like you’d just like to get to know some of the bloggers a little better? Here’s your opportunity.

Each month I’ll pick a new blogger and host them here! You’ll get to see an interview with them and nab all their contact info. Also, in case you forget who they are and want to visit them, their information will be in the right hand sidebar all month.
This month’s featured blogger is…

As the title of my blog clearly states I am a reader, not a writer. I love to read. I do not love to write. I hate spoilers and find it nearly impossible to write a long review of a book without giving away too much of the story. Reviews on this blog will be simple and straightforward. Included will be a few of my thoughts on the book, whether there is any content parents & conservative readers might find objectionable and a rating based simply on how well I liked the book. Rather than spending forever writing more elaborate reviews you will find me curled up with a good book. At least I hope it is a good book!
Find Kathy at: Twitter / Facebook
Take some time to read her interview below, and don’t forget to visit her!

1) Hi Kathy! Welcome to the blog! Why don’t we start with a bit about you? What three words do you think describe you best, and why?

Mother, Wife & Daughter – Those are the most important roles in my life.
Busy, Sidetracked & Optimistic – There are never enough hours in the day so I’m always running from one thing to another but life is good and I try to always look on the bright side.

2) What do you love most about being a part of the book blogging community?

I love helping people. From struggling authors to brand new bloggers I find the most satisfaction when I help people.

3) Where is your favorite place to curl up with a good book?

Currently it is probably on our couch. I read more often in bed but find the couch more comfortable for reading.

4) If you had the opportunity to meet one of your favorite authors at a location of your choosing, who would you pick and where would you meet them?

I had this opportunity several years ago. I was able to have breakfast with Stephenie Meyer along with a small group of friends. We had a private room in a restaurant all to ourselves and it was a blast! I doubt any other experience could quite live up to that morning.

5) I know the year is just beginning, but what book would you say is at the top of your favorites list right now?

I’ve been too busy setting up blog tours so I have not had the chance to read much this year. I’ve only got through 14 books so far this year which is half what I usually read. The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa, Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo & Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor are my 5 star reads so far this year.

6) As we come to the end, it’s time for a challenge! As your blog title states, you are a reader rather than a writer. Let’s pretend for a minute that you were a writer. What type of book would you pen? Who would be your influences?

I love to read clean romance so if I had the talent for writing that is where my heart would be. As far as influences my list of favorite authors is long and varied. To be able to write as beautiful as Laini Taylor with charcters are swoon worthy as Marcia Lynn McClure’s with the fun of Rachael Renee Anderson’s books would be a great combination.

Thanks for participating!
Thanks for having me.

Thank YOU Kathy! I loved all your answers :).

If you’d like to be a featured blogger, click on the Book Blogger Backstage Pass link under “Features” in the navigation bar and fill out the form!