Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

An interview with L.M. Sherwin, author of NIGHT BELLS!

This lovely lady is L.M. Sherwin. An Indie author, her first book is Night Bells and she’s hoping to draw some of your interest by traveling around the blogosphere. Honestly? I’m pretty excited to get to this book! I see no reason why you wouldn’t be either. Let me tempt you further though, with a bit more about the book. Shall I?

Lord Maslyn has been a prisoner in his own home for the last six years. When the twelve year old noble of New Kristiansand discovers a secret passageway in his tower, he delves into a world of adventure, intrigue, and secrecy. With the help of a mysterious stranger and his friend Arna, Lord Maslyn seeks to unravel the secrets of his past and to plot his escape from his castle prison. As his life changes drastically, he is drawn into the larger tale of his elder twin brothers. Can he unearth the secrets of his family’s past without endangering those he has come to hold dear?

A book set in a whole different world, complete with intrigue and secrecy? This sounds like my kind of book! The book falls within the Fantasy and Science-fiction categories. It’s a full-length novel–the first in a series called “Tales from Niflheim”. I’ll let L.M. take it from here. It’s interview time!
1) Let’s start with
something fun! If you had to live in a world that exists only in a book, which
one would you choose and why?
WOW. This is a hard one. I love so many of the worlds
created by other authors! If I had to pick only one, though, I truly think I’d
pick Middle Earth from J.R.R. Tolkien’s novels. Middle Earth always seemed such
a magnificent place to me, partly because of its vastness and variations in
geography. I adored all of the rich descriptions of the Shire and Lothlorien. I
was also captivated by Fangorn Forest and Rohan. I suppose I would love to be a
hobbit in Tolkien’s world, since I’m extremely short and love food… (I’m also
a little bit rounder than I’d like, too!) I am very comfortable in the quiet
life. However, I could also see myself thriving as an Elf in the glittering
halls of Rivendell or the dense forests of Mirkwood. I suppose I’d just have to
travel like Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, and Samwise Gamgee. They were hobbits
that knew how to explore and appreciate the majesty of Tolkien’s world. I’d
have to follow in their (rather furry) footsteps.
2) Is Night Bells your
first book? Can you give us a little teaser?
Yes, Night Bells
is my very first published work! It’s a full-length novel (hefty at a little
over 100,000 words) that falls within the Fantasy and Science-Fiction
categories. It’s a multi-faceted story. It brings together mystery, magic, and
friendship. The main character, Soryn, is the mayor of his city, but he’s been
locked in a tower since he was six years old. All he remembers about the
circumstances surrounding his confinement is that there was a fire the night
they put him in the tower. The story unfolds as Soryn seeks to discover why
he’s been locked away for six years. All the great castles have secret
passageways, so of course Soryn discovers one! Once he does, his story changes
and deepens with the discovery of new friends, family secrets, and an outside
world he had almost forgotten.
3) What do you enjoy
most about being an author?
I love the fact that I’m bringing into existence people and
places that didn’t have form or being until I wrote them. It is a heady feeling
and one that I don’t take lightly. Think of Tolkien—he created an entire world
that people feel “at home” in and want to visit. He made characters that people
still love and cherish! They’re not real
and yet, they feel so tangible to us. I have always wanted to give readers the
same feeling. I realize I have SO much left to learn and I will always be
honing my craft and growing as a writer. However, I’ll always love the feeling
that I am a part of a group of humans who create,
who call forth things that weren’t
there before. It is wonderful, exciting, and exhilarating!
4) If I were
travelling to the Primoris System, what essentials would I need to pack? What
might I expect to find?
Before I get into my answer, I’ll briefly describe what the
Primoris System is. The universe I’ve created to write in operates on the idea
that most humans left Ancient Earth to colonize another solar system called the
Primoris System. The system consists of twelve planets revolving around three
suns. Ten of these planets were deemed habitable for human beings. If you were
going to travel to one of the ten planets, you’d need to pack very specific
things depending on which planet you were traveling to. For instance, Night Bells takes place on the planet
Niflheim. It is the ninth planet from the suns and is extremely cold. As a
colonist, you would only be allowed to pack the things that were essential to
your survival. You’d want to make sure to layer up your clothing and wear as
much of it as possible on the colonization ship. You’d be allowed one bag to
fill with more clothing and any personal items you couldn’t live without.
Because you’d never be returning to earth, you might want to bring seeds for
planting on the new world or books with images of the geography of your old
home world.
On Niflheim, you could expect to find a harsh climate
dominated by snow and ice. The soil is buried under the drifts and food is
scarce. No matter how old you are, you’d be expected to help with the building,
planting, and maintenance of the greenhouses that are essential to your
survival. As well, if you brought any digital technology from earth, you can
chuck it out; digital technology doesn’t work in the Primoris System! The new
world would be devoid of native humanoid life forms and filled with dense
forests, mountains, and glacier-filled seas. A beautiful, cold, and domineering
planet, Niflheim would be ideal for Ancient Earth colonists who lived in the
northernmost parts of the northern hemisphere on Earth.
5) Night Bells is
being made into a movie. What does the tagline on the movie poster say?
Tough one! Hmmm…I think something like this would do the
trick: Locked away in a cold, stone
tower, one boy must find the courage to seek the truth about his family’s
6) Finally, and
thanks for stopping by, what parting message would you like to give to future
First of all, I’d like to thank Jessica for having me as a
guest here today! I’d also like to thank everyone who took the time to read
this interview. If you enjoy Fantasy and Science-Fiction stories, I truly think
you’ll enjoy Night Bells. My goal for
my writing has always been focused on writing a story that I would want to
read. I love my story and characters and I hope it shines through in my
writing! Enjoy! Happy Reading. 🙂 

You can visit L.M. Sherwin at her website. You can also add her book on Goodreads. Enjoy!