Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

This or That? with Angie Smibert!

Today I’d like you all to welcome Angie Smibert, author of Momento Nora, to my blog! She’s here to play a little game of This or That? For those of you who may not have seen one of these posts before, it’s where I give her a series of questions with two answers, and she picks her favorite! Let’s see what she chooses!

Whale, or dolphin?
DOLPHIN. I like whales,  but dolphins seem joyous.

Coffee, or tea?
TEA, THEN COFFEE. I drink several cups of nice strong English tea during the day. Then I switch to coffee. Sometimes I write at my neighborhood coffee house, and then I definitely drink coffee.

T-shirt, or tank top?
T-SHIRT. I’m definitely a t-shirt and jeans girl.

Glass, or plastic?
GLASS. I actually made a new year’s resolution a couple years ago to reduce the amount of plastic I buy.

Laptop, or Desktop?
LAPTOPS. I use one with a big screen as a desktop, and then I have a netbook to carry around.

Mango, or Papaya?

Zebra, or Water Buffalo?

Socks, or Slippers?
FLIP-FLOPS (actually soccer slides with massaging spikes in them).

Desk, or Wall Calendar? 
WALL plus Google calendar on my Andriod.

Blue, or Green?
BLUE. It’s always been my favorite color. My living room is green, but two other rooms are blue.

Nook, or Kindle?
KINDLE. I just bought one.

Outdoor or Indoor Mall?
OUTDOOR. Or small indoor mall. I’m not a big mall fan.

Fire, or Ice?
Depends on what you’re using them for. Fire for the grill, ice for the margaritas.

Car, or Truck?
CAR. Though I have owned a truck before, right now I have hatchback that’s big enough to fit an 80-lb dog in the back.

Tall, Dark and Handsome or Shorty, Shy and Sweet? 

Nora, the popular girl and happy consumer, witnesses a horrific bombing on a shopping trip with her mother. In Nora’s near-future world, terrorism is so commonplace that she can pop one little white pill to forget and go on like nothing ever happened. However, when Nora makes her first trip to a Therapeutic Forgetting Clinic, she learns what her mother, a frequent forgetter, has been frequently forgetting.

— See more at Goodreads