Book Reviews

Hungry For You – EPIC BLOG TOUR

When I was approached by A.M. Harte to be a part of the Blog Tour de Force extravaganza I was so excited! See, first off I think this is a fantastic idea. Pitting author against author…who doesn’t love that?  Second of all it gives YOU my dear readers, a chance to win a KINDLE! Am I jealous? You bet.
Below please enjoy my review of A.M. Harte’s Hungry For You and read on to see how to get in on all the goodies that are being given away.  You lucky ducks you.

Book Title: Hungry For You
Author: A.M. Harte

“There is no greater drug than relationships; there is no sweeter death than love.”

Love is horrible. It’s ruthless, messy, mind-altering, and raw. It takes no prisoners. It chews you up and spits you out and leaves you for dead. Love is, you could say, very much like a zombie.

In this haunting short story collection, anything is possible—a dying musician turns to tea for inspiration; a police sergeant struggles with a very unusual victim; a young wife is trapped in a house hiding unimaginable evil….

With “Hungry For You”, A.M. Harte explores the disturbing and delightful in an anthology that unearths the thin boundary between love and death.

Add in on: Goodreads / See the trailer at: YouTube
Okay let’s get this out in the open first. I LOVE zombies. I mean it. Those undead, rotting corpses just so happen to be one of my favorite fodders for a good story. Sure, they may not have a pulse. That doesn’t mean that they can’t be totally fascinating! So of course when A.M. Harte approached me to review Hungry For You, I instantly accepted. Anytime I see zombies and sexy (see the trailer) in the same paragraph, I have to wonder what is inside the pages. I dived right in like a zombie eating a brain!
Rather than review each story separately or choose my favorites, which would be hard because they are all great, I’ll just give you my overall opinion. I can even give it to you in four simple words. This book is awesome. Seriously! Each story is so different, but so well-written. Picking a favorite is like trying to choose an ice cream flavor on a hot day. It’s just too hard. What I liked best was that even if a story was a little slow, or weird, the next one will pick you right up again. Thus is the beauty of anthologies.
Anyhow Hungry For You is a testament to why zombies are so much fun to read. At their core they are still people, and they still have a humanity to them despite their decaying state. Each story in this anthology shows a little bit into the mind of these shambling past humans. Some are about love that grows stronger, others are about love that just won’t die, and still others border on that obsessive lust that we sometimes see as love. Make no mistake, these aren’t your typical zombie stories! There is a message in each short story, and that is what I loved so much about reading.
If you love zombies, or even have a slight interest in them, you’re likely to enjoy Hungry For You! There is so much zombie goodness, without too much of the zombie gore. Sure, you might be a bit confused at times. I’ll admit I had to re-read one or two stories again to understand exactly what they were getting at, but overall it is so worth it. Again I state, it is the humanity that these stories bring to zombie kind that makes me happy. I loved it and I look forward to more!
Now for the giveaway details!

This here is the lovely A.M. Harte and she needs YOUR help. When you saw Cage Match in the flyer up above, they weren’t kidding. These authors are on a mission to get the most meaningful comments on the blogs they post at. In order to do that, A.M. needs you!
Oh, and she is willing to bribe you. Here is what you can win.
* Comment on her blog for a free ebook copy of Hungry For You and experience the zombie goodness for yourself!
* Anyone who comments on this review is entered into a giveaway for a signed paperback, 3 limited edition postcards, and a surprise free ebook. Three runner-ups will get a postcard + the surprise ebook. Winners will be announced May 5.
* FINALLY, every person who comments and enters the other contests is entered to win the big KINDLE prize at the end! 
So what are you waiting for? Look at how many goodies are up for grabs! Get to commenting, get yourself some good reading material, and build up your love for zombies. You won’t be sorry!