
It’s GIVEAWAY time!

Did you miss me?

Well I don’t mean miss me, miss me. I was posting. It’s just I feel so impersonal when I throw a ton of reviews at you all, one after another, without saying hi from my crazy little self.
Yeah I’m all touchy feely like that :).
SO I thought I’d do another giveaway for you, my amazing readers!

If you are new to my blog, first off HI! Second, thanks for putting up with my insanity. Third, I like giveaways. A lot. They make me happy inside. Like you know that bubbly, butterfly feeling you get when something is really going your way? Yup, it’s like that!
This week I have two copies of Laura Lippman’s The Girl In the Green Raincoat up for grabs!

U.S./Canada Only.
(Unless you are overseas and willing to pay shipping! I’ll put a spot for you on the form.)
Giveaway ends February 26th at 11:30 pm PST.
To enter, fill out this form
Okay? Easy peasy! 
Comments are much appreciated, but do not count as entries!