Book Reviews

Blog Tour – Book Review: Night School

Vampires, Slayers and…FAIRIES? Sunny and Rayne McDonald are about to get SCHOOLED.

After their parents’ shocking revelation about their fae heritage and an attack on their lives, the McDonald twins find themselves on the run—forced to hide out at Riverdale Academy , a boarding school for vampire slayers, deep in the Swiss Alps. With no cells, no internet, and no way to contact their vampire boyfriends—the twins are on their own.

–See more at Goodreads

Cover Inspection:
This one is SO pretty! It might be because I’m partial to blue, but hey. I like it!

First Thoughts:
Ah Rayne, how I missed you. My favorite twin.


My Review:

Yes, this review is out of order. I’m sorry my friends! I’ll post my Bad Blood (Blood Coven Vampires #4) later on tonight or early tomorrow!

Once again my friends, I was hooked from the very first page. As with all the installments in this series, you can pick up the book and instantly be up to speed with what Rayne and Sunny are currently up to! Mari has a great habit of reviewing earlier events, so that no matter how long it has been since you read the last installment, you’ll remember right away where you left off with these awesome and crazy twins. If you’ll recall my last review, I missed the action that usually ensues in these books. This one definitely sated my action need, and then some. I’m in love!

In Night School there is yet another new supernatural being added in. Yes, yes I know. You’re thinking, vampires, werewolves, what else IS there? Oh but my friends, there’s more. If you’ve read the synopsis above you now know that Sunny and Rayne face their most difficult challenge yet. FAIRIES. The way that Mari Mancusi built her fairies and their world was fantastic! I won’t give too much away, it’s too much fun to find out for yourself. I’ll leave you instead to ponder over why these stereotypical glittery and flitting beings are so dangerous. What I will say is that I loved their names! Cracked me up to no end. Oh and the ending? Once again I’m waiting with bated breath for the next book.

I think by now you’ve realized that I’m partial to the parts of this series that are narrated by Rayne. Let me tell you why. She’s feisty, she takes on any challenge, and she loves her family with such a deep emotion that she is willing to put herself in harms way to protect them. Sunny is like the yin to Rayne’s yang, and without both of them I don’t think the books would be half as enjoyable. Still, I’m partial to Rayne’s snark and wit. It’s true. Thus why this book made me laugh out loud, and subsequently have people stare at me on the bus. Don’t read this book in public.

Look, if you haven’t been reading my other reviews and don’t yet know how I feel about this series, let me break it down plain and simple. I LOVE THESE BOOKS. The humor is smart, the characters are amazingly well written, and there is just enough tips of the hat to pop culture to keep you giggling. (References to Twilight anyone?) The point is that I should have by now convinced to you to read these books. They’re well worth your time trust me!

Book Details
Title: Night School (Blood Coven Vampires #5)
Author: Mari Mancusi
Publisher: Berkley Trade
Pages: Paperback; 244
Source: Received from publisher.
FTC Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Final Rating:5 Keys to My Heart
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