
A filler (and slight harassment) post.

Yes, this is a filler post!

As you read this, I’m probably somewhere on the 5 Freeway. I’m most likely reading a book while trying not to get motion sickness. Chances are that I’m sick of fast food at this point. Also, I’m probably really looking forward to getting home so that I can get out of the car and stretch. Does anyone actually like really long car trips?
Anyhow, since I’m not home yet, this is a post to remind you that you should check out the posts before this!
By now I’ve posted:
A GIVEAWAY and a trailer for Tyger, Tyger
A review of Boys That Bite by Mari Mancusi
An interview with the amazing Brenda Pandos, author of The Sapphire Talisman

*cue applause*
Lucky for you awesome people right over there, on the right hand side of my blog, you can quickly access all these posts and more!

Yes, yes I found a way to bug you into reading my posts if you missed them. Even without being in the same city as my laptop. BOOYAH. Don’t act like you aren’t impressed ;).
Much love friends! See you (for real) tomorrow!