Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

Blog Tour: Author Interview – Branded: Fall of Angels

Good morning my reading minions!

Today I am honored to be interviewing Keary Taylor, author of Branded: Fall of Angels.

I devoured this book in a matter of hours, and loved every minute of it! You can see my review if you are interested, of course. For now though, I give my blog to Keary Taylor!

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1) I always start my interview with a challenge! If you had to come up with a slogan for Branded, what would it be?

Don’t fall asleep…

2) The angels in this story are unlike any I’ve read about before. What drove you to write about angels?

At the time when I started writing Branded (January of 2009) there was very little out there based on Angels. There was so much freedom, I could make them do anything I wanted! And I wanted to take a new approach to the entire Angel mythology. Why not make them scary?

3) Is there a scene in the book that is your favorite overall?

Definitely the scene when Jessica first shows Alex her scars. It was so intense to write. It’s still my favorite part to go back and read!

4) Was there a character that was particularly difficult to write? Or did they all come to life on their own?

I actually didn’t realize this until I started on the second book, Forsaken, but Alex wasn’t easy! About a third of the second book is from his POV and it wasn’t easy getting into his head. Cole was also hard to figure out, he’s a very dark and complex man.

5) Jessica’s dreams are extremely vivid! Did you ever fall asleep and find yourself dreaming like her as you wrote?

Thank goodness no! It would be too scary for me to handle. Poor Jessica…

6) Although in the case of Jessica, she has brands instead of tattoos, I’m intrigued. Do you have any tattoos? If not, assuming you had to choose one, what would you get?

I don’t actually have any tattoos. I’m a wuss. I think it would be a pretty easy choice though, I’d love to get wings on my back done in white ink!

7) I’m sure you were expecting this, but I’m in love with Alex. Since my name is Jessica, do you think he’d go for me?

LOL, well, he’s pretty taken with my fictional Jessica…

8) Ahem, sorry about that last question. (We’ll talk later.) Where is your favorite place to go for writing inspiration?

Oh man, with my two little ones it’s hard to go anywhere just for inspiration. Considering my computer and writing station is set up in the middle of the playroom I just have to learn to zone noise out and multitask.

9) What is one essential snack item that helps fuel your literary brilliance?

Chocolate. Being a chocoholic runs in my family…

10) Are there anymore amazing books in the works? What can we expect from you in the future?

Well, the second book in the series, Forsaken, comes out January 11, 2011. The third book (title in the works: VINDICATED) will hopefully be done sometime around December of 2011. I am also half done with the first draft of a YA dystopian titled Eden. I’m also considering attempting NaNoWriMo with a YA contemporary. I just need to find a way to not require sleep so I can get all this writing done!

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Thank you so much Keary for stopping by!

Now, my friends. A GIVEAWAY! Yes, being the sweetheart that she is Keary has offered up a copy of Branded: Fall of Angels to one lucky winner!

This giveaway is open to the U.S. Only and ends November 30, 2010.

To be entered, leave a meaningful comment for Keary below and include your email address. That’s it. Simple. Easy peasy. Now go enter!