Book Reviews

Book Review: Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson

She has a precocious 3-year-old sister who tends to leave wet nappies at the foot of her bed, an insane cat who is prone to leg-shredding “Call of the Wild” episodes, and embarrassing parents who make her want to escape to Stonehenge and dance with the Druids. No wonder 14-year-old Georgia Nicolson laments, “Honestly, what is the point?” A Bridget Jones for the younger set, Georgia records the momentous events of her life–and they are all momentous–in her diary, which serves as a truly hilarious account of what it means to be a modern girl on the cusp of womanhood. No matter that her particular story takes place in England, the account of her experiences rings true across the ocean (and besides, “Georgia’s Glossary” swiftly eradicates any language barriers).

–From Goodreads

Cover Inspection:
Flat out, I am smitten with this cover! It’s bright green, and the title just pops.

First Thoughts:
Georgia is HILARIOUS! This girl is only 13? She’s fabulous. I’m hooked. Page 1.


My Review:
Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging is one of those books that I would not be able to read in public. Why? Well because I spent the majority of the book laughing so hard that tears were streaming out the corner of my eyes. Georgia Nicolson is fabulous! The perfect mixture of snarky and sweet, Georgia shines off the page and will capture the attention of anyone who cares to read about her insane life.

Written in the form of Georgia’s journal, this book is all stream of consciousness and 100% hilarious. We see into her thoughts on boys, her parents, and her circle of friends. Like all girls at the age of 14, most of Georgia’s writing inspiration comes from finding where she fits in the world of relationships. When she was ruminating over her first kiss, and tried to test it by kissing her hand, I laughed out loud! I will fully admit that I remember doing that. Each word on the page just made me love Georgia more and more. I’m hooked.

A “coming of age” story at it’s heart, this is a perfect book for adolescent girls. Georgia is easy to connect with, and she goes through a lot of the same issues that they will be dealing with. I’m still not entirely sure whether this book would be considered MG or YA, although it does deal with a lot of topics that put it on that line. I think it is more the type of book that a parent would read first, then decide whether their child was ready for it!

Let’s be honest. I loved this book so much that I cannot even put my words into coherent sentences. Did you know that there are more? I just found that out! More Georgia? I can’t wait! I recommend this book with all my heart. If you haven’t yet read it, give it a try. Just be prepared to laugh until your sides hurt. You’ve been warned.

Book Details
Title: Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson
Author: Louise Rennison
Publisher: HarperCollins
Pages: Hardcover; 247
Source: Borrowed

Final Rating: 5 Keys to My Heart
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