Feature Posts/Weekly Memes

Book Blogger Hop & Follow Friday! July 9th

I’ve started taking part in both of these amazing blog hops, because I’ve discovered so many lovely blogs! If you stop by from one of these, please leave me a comment with a link to your blog so that I can come say hi!

Stop by Parajunkee’s blog to participate in this one! Click the button above to be taken straight there!

Jennifer hosts this hop every week, and she’s started adding in a question for us to share the answer to! Woohoo! Click the button above to be taken to her blog :).
This week’s question: Tell us about some of your favorite authors and why they are your favorites!

Oh man…this is HARD! Luckily Jennifer was smart and added in the word “some” or otherwise you all would be reading this post for hours! LOL. Hmmm…short list then?
I’ll give you 5. In no particular order:
1. Neil Gaiman – I’ve never read anything by him that I didn’t love and he writes so amazingly well! Plus, he has an accent, and yes I’m addicted to accents. My all time favorite book by him is Neverwhere without a doubt. If you haven’t given it a read, please do!
2. Terry Pratchett – He has the ability to write completely snarky humor in a totally serious way. Best of all, his characters are so unique! I still have the need to be Rincewind for Halloween at some point.
3. Anne Rice – (Note: This is old Anne Rice love, unfortunately her newer stuff is so different.) I love Anne Rice’s vampire novels. I fell in love with them when I was a teen and it kind of ruined a lot of newer vampire stuff for me. She writes with such vivid descriptions, it’s hard to ignore when that is missing!
4. Libba Bray – I was smitten with her Gemma Doyle books, and then I started reading her LiveJournal. After that, well it was love at first read. She’s amazing! 
5. Tamora Pierce – I first fell in love with her Immortals series, and after that I’ve been reading everything by her that I can get my hands on. In fact, there are two books by her in my TBR pile right now!