Book Reviews

Book Review: Seers of Light

Media Type: Ebook
Title: Seers of Light
Author: Jennifer DeLucy

Publisher: Omnific Publishing
Pages: Paperback; 396
Release Date: February 16, 2010
Source: Purchased
Genre: Paranormal Romance

HDB Rating: 5 Keys to My Heart

Recommended to: Readers looking for a book with vivid characters and a very likable female protagonist.
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 Lillian Hunt has never truly lived. Always sensing more to the world than is easily perceived, she fears that her instincts are stubborn flights of fancy, or worse, mental instability. But some things—disappearing strangers, tangible dreams, and visits from malevolent creatures—cannot be ignored. Before it’s too late, Lillian is ripped from the only existence she’s ever known and thrust into a reality that she always suspected, but could scarcely believe. She must learn the truth about who she is, the powerful beings that wish to destroy her, and the two men who would die to protect her.

My head is still reeling from re-reading this book (yes I said re-reading) and so I’ll write in as logical a fashion as I can! I promise not to ramble too badly.

Seers of Light is truly beautiful. Honestly if I could only describe it in one word, that would be it: beautiful. Jennifer has crafted a world where everything is completely different, and yet so enticing. Seers of Light is a story that will stay with you long after you turn the last page, and you will find yourself sighing at the fact that there is no more left to read.

Remember that I have said many times before that characters are my thing? If the characters are great, I am invested in the story. On that note, I find the need to applaud Jennifer for her character development of epic proportions! I loved EVERY character, down to the smallest supporting ones. The fact that I still remember Mrs. Bridget Cavanaugh who makes but a brief, albeit very memorable, visit into the story amazes me! Truly, the characters of Seers pop off the page with their unique personalities!

Interjection here to say that I adore Lily. She is the perfect example of a strong female protagonist and I am in awe of her. Pair that with interactions with sweet, stubborn Christian and deliciously snarky William and you have one amazing storyline! Able to make you laugh out loud at one point, and make your toes curl in delight at another? Jennifer, you are a masterful writer.

Emotion is also a very important piece of loving a book for me. Reading this story was emotionally exhausting in the best way possible. Bristling with anger and annoyance, tearing up at touching moments, feeling empathy in the highest degree, I never felt that there was a dull moment. In fact, I found myself wanting to read well past the bookmarks I had set for myself so that I wouldn’t stay up too late! Reading past midnight although you know you have to be up early the next morning? That is a good story.

There are so many other things I could say about how amazing this book is! However then I would be rambling and you would probably all just shake your head and walk away. I do not exaggerate my friends when I say that this is one of my absolute new favorite books. After purchasing and reading this in e-book format, I now know that I must own a bound copy. Stat.

Give this a read! If you enjoy emotional roller coasters, love triangles, some of the deepest and most beautiful love imaginable…and the list goes on, you’ll fall in love with this book too!

FTC Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was not monetarily compensated for my opinion.