
On Bookshelves.

Ah, bookshelves. A bookworm’s pride, joy, and also ultimate nemesis.
When we moved to our new house, one of the happiest moments for me was realizing that I actually had enough space for two large bookshelves. As a person who has lived in many an apartment, I’d gotten used to having a small amount of special books, getting rid of books often, and sometimes just making stacks. Hey, a bookworm can only part with so much of their horde. Book stacks are… furniture? Art? Necessary.
Anyway, my husband dutifully put up my new shelves for me and I spent so much time arranging them and rearranging them. They’ll be absolutely perfect, and then a new book arrives, and suddenly I just feel like reorganizing everything! Hahaha. You can often find me pouring over my shelves, wondering if they look as good as they should. 
I’ve always done my shelves by author last name, but I love staring at pictures of rainbow shelves, and shelves organized by size, and all manner of creativity. In fact, I discovered bookstagram on Instagram, and I’m in love. I even made my own if you want to follow me there.
How do you all organize your shelves?