Book Blitzes/Promo Posts

Jessi Kirby – When I’m Not Writing

Ever wonder what authors are up to when they’re not writing?

Jessi Kirby, author of Moonglass is here today to share exactly that! I know sometimes we see our favorite authors as rock stars who don’t have a care in the world. That’s why I love reading these posts! Let’s see what Jessi does in her day to day…

When I’m Not Writing, I’m…

*Driving my kids to school or the park or swim lessons and torturing them with my singing. Currently on the cranked up, sing-out-loud playlist: Grenade by Bruno Mars, Firework by Katy Perry, and Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons, which, ironically, is the only one they should cover their ears for but don’t.

*Running. On the beach or the trail on the bluff, with a playlist specially made for my WIP. My precious thinking time.

*Thinking about said WIP. And revising, and marketing, and events, and…

*Doing dishes. I swear I do them 80 times a day. We have no dishwasher. Are you jealous about how glamorous my life is yet?

*Getting a massage. Best Christmas gift I’ve ever been given, ever. From my husband, a membership that entitles me to bi-monthly sessions with the best masseuse around, who’s also kind of like a counselor since she listens to me stress and angst then makes me feel better about the world. Magic, I tell you.

*Browsing the bookstore and shamelessly adding to my towering TBR pile. I buy books like most women by shoes, which is why I mostly wear flip-flops.

*Walking the beach, collecting sea glass with my kids. This is one of my very favorite things and only happens on the most fortuitous of days—low tide, after a storm so all the rocks are exposed, sunlight on our backs, Ziploc baggies in our hands. It’s one of those peaceful, beautiful times when there are no distractions or deadlines or anything. Just us.

*Having a 10 years- married date night, which means we tuck the kids in, order sushi, drink wine, and catch up on Supernatural and Vampire Diaries. In other words, perfection.

Thanks so much to Jessi for stopping by! Click the banner above to follow the rest of her awesome tour!